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作者:鸿知上海名校考研网 来源:fduky.com 浏览:1559 次 发布时间:2020/8/5

QQ:3007473869(陈老师)    微信号:kaoyan618(墨墨学姐)







①He failed entirely to comprehend it.


②He failed to entirely comprehend it.


句中,entirely既可以看作是修饰failed,也可看作是修饰to comprehend,而在句中则只能修饰comprehend了。因此不定式的分离是有特定作用的。




The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.(1998年第72)


注意该句子中的to maintain its reign和前面的for the Big Band是一体的,它们构成了不定式的复合结构for... to do...,插入语first put forward in the 1920s将它从中间分离开来,翻译的时候要注意恢复它们的一体性,即"(使)大爆炸论得以保持其主导地位"






①I wasn't anxious to go.(我并不特别想去)


②I was anxious not to go.(我很想不去)


③I wasn't sorry to break the cup.(我对打碎了杯子不感到遗憾)


④I was sorry not to break the cup.(我很遗憾没有打碎这个杯子)




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